The following committees are another opportunity for you to become more involved in Pastorate life by giving of your time and talent to help develop some of the unique offerings each committee provides. Call the Pastorate Office to find out more about how to become a member of one (or more!) of these committees.
Community Life
To offer welcome to new parishioners and to foster a sense of belonging for all parishioners
To provide activities which both build and strengthen community within the Pastorate and in its outreach efforts
To assist the Pastor or Pastoral administrator, Pastoral Associate, and/or Parish Nurse in the pastoral care of the Pastorate Community
This committee meets about four times a year and is responsible for planning receptions after special Masses, the Pastorate Fish Fry, and many other aspects of Community Life within the Pastorate.
Faith Formation
To develop and oversee a comprehensive catechetical plan for the Pastorate in order to provide for the lifelong faith formation and catechesis of all its members as descirbed in the General Directory for Catechesis and the National Directory for Catechesis
This committee meets monthly, September through June, usually the first Monday night of each of these months to discuss and plan for various faith formation opportunities for our Pastorate members.
To assist the Pastor or the Pastoral Administrator in facilitating the liturgical prayer of the community
To nourish and give direction to the liturgical worship of the Pastorate, including the elements of spirituality, music, environment, liturgical ministers, and attention to liturgical norms
This committee meets about 4 times a year to plan special Masses and other Pastorate events.
Social Justice
To continue the ministry of Jesus by service to marginalized persons and persons with special needs
To promote and coordinate programs which will promote justice and charity in full measure to all of God's children
To provide opportunities for parishioners to respond to the social needs of today
This committee generally meets on a monthly basis to discuss and plan a variety of ways to contribute to those around us that are in need.
To encourage parishioners to exercise stewardship as an expression of gratitude to God and as a way of life for disciples of Christ
Currently, this committee is not meeting on a regular basis. Please contact the Pastorate Office if you are interested in helping to develop this committee.