September 8 - Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mary’s parents, Joachim and Ann, were very grateful for the gift of a child. They taught Mary to love and serve God. When we celebrate his mother’s birth, we honor Jesus, too! Today, on Mary’s birthday, celebrate with some fun activities, pray this prayer, and thank God for the gift of Mary’s life and your own call to do something very special with your life!
September 14 -Exaltation of the Holy Cross We come to the cross not only on Good Friday, but often, to see with the eyes of faith. The cross is a reminder of our salvation and a source of new life. As we gaze at Jesus on the crucifix, we can grow closer to him. Deepen your devotion to the Holy Cross. Pray the Way of the Cross as a family, and talk about and practice the Sign of the Cross. Enjoy a cross craft and other activities as a family.
September 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows
When we experience suffering, we have no better companion than Mary, who offers strength, comfort, and renewed faith even in our trials. She also experienced great suffering as the Mother of Jesus, and knows the pain of our wounded hearts. Learn about the Seven Dolors (or Sorrows) of Mary, and pray the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows. Turn to Our Lady of Sorrows for love and strength to bear your crosses with patience and peace.
Pope Francis has designated September 1 as World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. offers The Creation Story in a Google slideshow to share with your little ones. Discuss the story: What does "creation" mean? Name the many things that God created. Why is creation good? How does the creation story show us that God loves us? Explain how God wants us to care for the things he has created. Talk about the ways we take care of God's people, animals, and nature. Include stewardship ideas in your conversation: pick up trash, use less water, recycle, turn off lights, etc. Finish with a prayer of thanksgiving for all of creation!